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Tax Me Now, Tax Me Later, Tax Me Never 401(k) 401k roth tax

Being smart about which type of accounts you're saving and building wealth into now translates into paying less tax later, and who doesn't want that?

I'm Yvonne Marsh, I'm a CFP® and a CPA, and...

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Why Building Wealth Matters ira roth 401k tax tax free wealth

There are so many ways that Congress dangles the carrot of tax deductions to motivate us toward a certain behavior. For example, to encourage home ownership we are allowed to deduct our mortgage...

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Last Minute Tax Deductions for the 2022 Tax Year hsa ira tax

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If you're looking for ways to lower your 2022 tax bill, I've got good news for you! It's not too late.

I've got three ideas to share with you today that might be of...

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Health Savings Accounts health savings accounts hsa hsas retirement tax tax free

If you want to build tax-free wealth, I've got a great strategy for you using health savings accounts.

First, health savings accounts are triple tax preference and that means that number one, you...

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The Retirement Risk Multiplier longevity risk retiree retirement social security tax

There’s so much talk in TV commercials about helping retirees “reach their goals”, followed by images of a couple holding hands on a beach, gazing contentedly at a beautiful ocean...

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Top IRA & 401(k) Mistakes 401(k) 401k ira tax

We can all learn from other’s mistakes. And in the world of complicated IRA taxation, it’s not hard to make one. Know that IRA’s and 401k’s are fully taxable to your heirs....

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