The One Degree Wealth Blog

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Covering a wide range of financial topics, from debt strategies and home purchases to money mindset and tax-smart investing strategies, I'll make sure you stay inspired AND in-the-know.

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It's Easy to Raise Your Credit Score credit credit card credit score

A good credit score isn’t just for bragging rights.  It translates into real dollars saved by receiving preferential interest rates on everything from credit cards to auto loans,...

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A SMALL Emergency Fund is Life-Changing emergency fund

It’s not new news that we all need an emergency savings account, but the idea of saving 3 to 6 months’ salary seems like a mountain too high to climb – I mean, come on,...

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Automate Your Way to Wealth 401k automate retirement

Building wealth is really NOT about budgets and penny-pinching. Nor is it about willpower and self-discipline. Do you remember my 3 tips of the Wealth Triangle: dollars, time, and investment...

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Need a Little Shot of Optimism? Here Ya Go… mindset

Optimism is that little spark that keeps you going through the hard times, am I right?  We’ve all had hard times – maybe money is tight, or a relationship has gone south, your...

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3 Tips to Calm Your Stock Market Fears

It sure feels like we’ve been moving from one financial uncertainty to the next in these last several years – from the global pandemic to supply and demand imbalances causing us to...

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A $1 Million 401(k) is Yours for the Taking 401(k) 401k

It’s interesting how difficult we think it is to make money and build wealth for ourselves.  Society tells us that you’ve got to be someone special to become a millionaire –...

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Avoiding Money Decisions? Here's How to Flip the Script: mindset

I had an interesting conversation the other day with my dentist – well, she did most of the talking since I was otherwise occupied in her chair.  But when she...

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To Save or Pay off Debt? That's the Question...

You’ve got competing demands on your paycheck, and it can be hard to know what to prioritize.  You’re not alone if you’re asking “Which should I do first - pay down my...

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Stuck on the Minimum Payment Merry-Go-Round? credit card interest

Did you know that if you carry a monthly balance on your credit card, then the credit card company is not required to give you a grace period before they start charging interest?  In fact, the...

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The Tortoise and the Hare Parable Doesn’t Work in Your 401(k) 401(k) 401k compounding

I’m sure you grew up hearing the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, where the hare takes off like a shot, quickly wears himself out and has to stop and take a nap, all while the...

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What Not to Do When You Pay Off a Credit Card credit credit card

By Yvonne Marsh, CFP®, CPA

If you’ve worked hard to pay off a credit card and you’re super excited to be out from under the 20% plus interest rate, your instinct might be to close...

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5 Ways to Tidy Up Your Finances

By Yvonne Marsh, CFP®, CPA

Life is busy and we all have competing priorities on our time, right?  I know it doesn’t take much at our house before it starts to look a little messy,...

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